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Capstone Works, Inc. has been serving the Cedar Park area since 2001, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Alert! Watch Out for Zero-Day Exploits Like These

Alert! Watch Out for Zero-Day Exploits Like These

In the world of cybersecurity, zero-day exploits are the hairline cracks in your armor that you can’t see. They are the unseen flaw in your perfect strategy that the other team has a planned counterattack for.

These exploits can be found in virtually any type of software, from your operating systems like Windows, to your web browser, to your business applications. 

For small businesses in Austin and Central Texas, these threats are especially real. With limited resources, staying ahead of these cyberthreats can feel like a daunting task.

In this article, we'll shed light on zero-day exploits and share tips on how to guard your business against them. Stay alert, stay informed, and stay one step ahead.

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Austin Cyberattack Proves Just How Disruptive Ransomware Can Be

Austin Cyberattack Proves Just How Disruptive Ransomware Can Be

Earlier this month, a local healthcare system comprising dozens of Austin-based hospitals, clinics, and other facilities suffered a cyberattack. We wanted to share some lessons that local business owners can learn from this situation, because a single attack like this can result in a snowball effect that can end up costing you a lot of time, money, and reputation.

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Austin Business Security Compliance Checklist

Austin Business Security Compliance Checklist

When you think about the data your business processes and stores on a day-to-day basis, it’s pretty easy to disconnect it from the people you do business with. After all, it’s your company data. That being said, a lot of the information that businesses collect comes from their customers. If something happens to that data, whether it is lost, stolen, breached, or sold, it can have a negative impact on your customers, which not only looks very bad for you, it can also result in legal action.

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Avoid These Massive Cybersecurity Missteps in Your Email Inbox

Avoid These Massive Cybersecurity Missteps in Your Email Inbox

We all use email almost every day for work. Day after day, week after week, our inboxes are flooded with notifications, password resets, correspondence, invoices, marketing stuff, and countless other types of information. Have you ever thought about what a cybercriminal could accomplish if they had access to your email inbox?

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The Complete Guide for Identifying Cybersecurity Threats

The Complete Guide for Identifying Cybersecurity Threats

A newly released report reveals that there were over 3,000 reported data breaches in 2023. This resulted in the personal information of millions of people being stolen. The average cost of one of these data breaches was $4.45 million. Almost every single organization polled (97 percent!) reported that they have seen an increase in cyber threats since 2022.

Cybersecurity is absolutely critical today, and it’s a problem that everyone needs to be aware of. As a regular person, going about your day, you might not even notice if you are the victim of a data breach.  Because of this, most people have a big forcefield of blissful ignorance that makes them feel immune to the bulk of cyberthreats.

But that’s the point—the best cyberthreats are hard to spot. You don’t realize you are being scammed.

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Protecting Texas Businesses: The Role of Cybersecurity Compliance

Protecting Texas Businesses: The Role of Cybersecurity Compliance

Austin, Texas is among the best places in the country to start and grow a business, and for good reason. We’ve got a great situation; we’re in a great place to raise families, and we have some of the best and brightest people in the talent pool. With all this growth and potential, however, Texas businesses have a proportionate risk to fall victim to cybersecurity threats.

With the increasing number of cyberattacks and data breaches, it's more important than ever for companies to prioritize cybersecurity compliance. In this article, we'll explore the importance of cybersecurity compliance and the role it plays in protecting Texas businesses and their customers.

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Protecting Your Business: The Importance of User Education in Cybersecurity

Protecting Your Business: The Importance of User Education in Cybersecurity

The time when businesses could ignore cybersecurity has long since passed. For over a decade, the general consensus among decision-makers for small and medium-sized businesses was that cybersecurity was a luxury item; a want but not a need. Ten or fifteen years ago, this wasn’t too far off, as typically just covering your business with some basic protection was usually enough to stop most problems. Today, we’re in a very different landscape.

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Could Your Business Survive a Ransomware Attack?

Could Your Business Survive a Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware is every business owner’s worst nightmare. It not only brings with it an aura of desperation, but it also brings with it numerous practical issues that can really harm a business. It is not overstating that it is one of the most abrupt and serious problems that a business can have with its technology. 

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3 Huge Unexpected Cybersecurity Risks Your Staff Needs to Know About, Today

3 Huge Unexpected Cybersecurity Risks Your Staff Needs to Know About, Today

Most people these days are somewhat familiar with the traditional attack vectors of cybercriminals. Because of this, the bad guys are always exploring alternative options for spreading malware and stealing data, often in places where you would least expect it.

Here are three unexpected cybersecurity risks that you and your staff need to be aware of.

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Austin Texas Businesses Face Growing Cybersecurity Concerns

Austin Texas Businesses Face Growing Cybersecurity Concerns

Austin, Texas is undeniably one of the world’s largest tech hubs. Some of the largest tech companies in the world have installed themselves in Austin thanks to a large number of factors. For instance, the cost of living tends to be much more reasonable compared to other tech-based cities, the lack of state income taxes attracts business, and the generally nice year-round weather and recreational scene attract great people who want to accomplish great things. We love it here, from the growth opportunities, the talent pool, right down to the Keep Austin Weird bumper stickers.

But Austin businesses do face some additional challenges that come with being some of the brightest, most forward-thinking organizations out there.

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AI is the New Secret Weapon for Cybersecurity

AI is the New Secret Weapon for Cybersecurity

AI has been the buzzword of the year when it comes to the technology world, and for good reason. While what we know of as “AI” isn’t necessarily new, and it isn’t even technically artificial intelligence, it’s definitely becoming a groundbreaking new industry that is changing the way a lot of businesses and individuals do things. That being said, like all technologies, it can and will be used for nefarious purposes.

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How to Steal a Password in Three Easy Steps

How to Steal a Password in Three Easy Steps

For most people, the only thing protecting all of their personal data, their email, access to all of their online accounts, their bank, and more, is just a handful of characters. It’s estimated that there is about a 20% chance that any given account doesn’t have any sort of multi-factor security, so if you can figure out a person’s password, you might be able to gain access to whatever you want.

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What is 2FA, and How Can Businesses Use it to Improve Security?

What is 2FA, and How Can Businesses Use it to Improve Security?

Data and network security has to be a paramount consideration for any organization that depends on its IT. This means doing whatever it takes to keep unauthorized entities, whether they be human or machine, out of your network. One strategy that can help you strengthen your organizational cybersecurity is to enact a feature that is found on many password-driven accounts: two-factor authentication.

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4 Sneaky Tricks that Cybercriminals are Using Against Texas Businesses

4 Sneaky Tricks that Cybercriminals are Using Against Texas Businesses

We’ve been talking about cybersecurity quite a bit lately, and for good reason. Any organization that doesn’t acknowledge the threat that comes with being ill-prepared in the face of a cyberattack is basically sitting on a ticking time bomb. 

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Think Before You Click - 6 Critical Cybersecurity Habits Your Employees Need to Build

Think Before You Click - 6 Critical Cybersecurity Habits Your Employees Need to Build

Business cybersecurity, and all its assorted intricacies and requirements, can be a real challenge for organizations of all sizes to deal with—particularly because it depends so much on employee engagement. That being said, there are a few things you can do to help boost your team’s cybersecurity awareness by promoting more secure behaviors.

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What to Do When Your Business Insurance Starts Requiring Cybersecurity

What to Do When Your Business Insurance Starts Requiring Cybersecurity

Here’s the scenario. Your business insurance provider may have reached out to you, asking questions about your IT and overall cybersecurity. In our experience, this has caused some confusion for a lot of organizations, so we wanted to chime in and help Austin business owners get a better understanding on why your insurance provider is even getting into the weeds with this, and what they are actually looking for.

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New 2023 Cybercrime Trends that Austin Businesses Need to Prepare For

New 2023 Cybercrime Trends that Austin Businesses Need to Prepare For

The last few years have seen an unsettling jump in cybercrime rates, with more businesses struck by various attacks, ransomware, and data breaches. Phishing attacks against end users haven’t slowed down, either—in fact, they’ve become effective enough that even the pros can be tricked. Let’s consider some of the cybercrime trends we anticipate to see in 2023.

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The “Cybersecurity Talk” That Every Texan Needs to Hear

The “Cybersecurity Talk” That Every Texan Needs to Hear

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a growing problem on our hands, and I don’t think anyone (ourselves included) have been taking the right approach to solving it.

I’m talking about cybersecurity, more specifically, the cybersecurity hygiene of an individual.

We can talk and talk and preach and scream from the rooftops about the importance of this stuff, but I think there is such a fatigue for it, and such a “well what are the odds that it will happen to me” kind of attitude that most people dismiss it.

If you feel either of those ways, this is the article for you. If you read one cybersecurity article and take it to heart, this is the one, and we really, truly hope this sticks for you.

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Tips to Avoid Getting Scammed at Home, School and Work

Tips to Avoid Getting Scammed at Home, School and Work

Let’s cut to the chase: scams are everywhere out there today, which makes it important that you are aware of how to avoid them. Let’s run through a few basic tips we always recommend.

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Texas Cybersecurity Directly Linked with Financial Losses

Texas Cybersecurity Directly Linked with Financial Losses

They say that everything’s bigger in Texas. Unfortunately, as of late this includes the losses that businesses incur to cybercriminal activity. Let’s discuss how serious this problem is, and what you need to do to keep it from harming your business.

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